Now that I finally have school work to do...and a lot of it all at the same time I don't really have too much time to update my blog. Sad Face :(
But I have still been up to a lot of exploring and such! Here is a really quick run down
Liann and Victoria's birthday! We went to Disney Sea in Chiba prefecture. An amazing theme park, I read it was one of the most expensive ever built. I loved Journey to the center of the earth!
This is my last week with my home stay family! I'm so sad, they are wonderful people and they have given me so much. I will be grateful to them for a long time to come. Last weekend, they took me on a trip to Hakone. We went to Onsen, A sulfer volcanoe called Owakunidani, and went to Ashi no Ko. Wonderful time!
My Mother and I Before Entering the Hotspring
Owakunidani, They Were Boiling Eggs in the Sulfur Hotsprings
This last weekend early on Sunday morning I made my way with some friends to Mitaka to the Ghibili Museum. The Ghibili artwork never ceases to inspire and amaze me! After the Museum I shot over to Shinjuku to eat and to explore!At Mitaka Forest Ghibili Museum
I have to study!
Woah, holy crap! Disney Sea looks freakin' amazing!!!! I hope I can go one day.
And wait, is that Ghibili Museum as in Studio Ghibili?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WTF, awesome! Uber jealous. That sounds infinitely better than Disney Sea, hands down.
Happy Turkey Day, from across the ocean!
I am also from UCSD and am interested in studying abroad at Meiji Gakuin next fall, and while doing some research, I came upon your blog!
Japan looks incredibly beautiful and amazing from your pictures and descriptions - I really hope to experience it one day too!
This was a slight distraction from studying for finals, but it is just all too exciting. Hope you ENJOY the rest of your stay in Japan!
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